The 6th installment in my Psychology 101 Critical Thinking Exercises
Indian philosopher and political and ideological leader Mohatma Gandhi advises us to “Be the change you want to see in the world.” While this sounds great in theory, according to science, fundamental change is quite so easy for most people.
Can Your Personality Change? And Why Is Change So Hard to Achieve?
In the Scientific American article “Set In Our Ways,” author Nikolas Westerhoff, a psychologist and science journalist in Berlin, discusses the Big Five personality traits, as well as people’s ability to change throughout the course of their life. Based upon several studies cited in Westerhoff’s article, in general, people’s personalities are relatively stable, and real change is difficult to accomplish.
Also according to Westerhoff, the stability of our personality varies during different life stages. For example, changes in Big Five personality traits are most likely to occur during adolescence and young adulthood. This increase in “openness” continues during the 20s, and gradually begins to decline. Most people do not experience an increase in openness again until their 60s. This phenomenon is likely linked to the demands and responsibilities associated with adult life. Although people may dream of wild adventures at any age, as they begin families and careers, they actually become less open to new experiences that could potentially cause chaos and upset in their daily routines. This holds true even across cultural boundaries. It’s only after people have fulfilled life’s obligations, like work and family responsibilities, that they gradually become more open again.
With this in mind, researchers suspect fundamental change is much more difficult to achieve than most people realize. For example, many middle-age people would like to lose a few extra pounds. However, few will make and maintain the lifestyle changes necessary to achieve this goal. According to science, that’s not only because they are less open to change, but also because it is natural to gain weight as you age. Furthermore, they may believe that losing the extra weight will get them a promotion or find a new partner. In fact, these are unrealistic expectations about what can be accomplished, and what the final outcome may be.
Are You a Victim of False Hope Syndrome?
This phenomenon of unrealistic expectation around what we think we can change is called “False Hope Syndrome,” and was first named by psychologists Janet Polivy and C. Peter Herman of University of Toronto Mississauga. False Hope Syndrome can cause people to overhaul their entire lives too quickly, but Westerhoff and researchers caution people to be more realistic. Understand that change is often difficult to achieve, set more reasonable goals and chip away at them a little at a time. Make new changes each day. And since you may very well be in a declining period of openness, get started now.
Even as someone who is typically open to new experiences, I agree with Westerhoff’s summary of how people become set in their ways. In my mid-20s, I went on a holiday vacation, only to learn that my company had closed its doors, and I had no job. Rather than fret, I flew home, packed the belongings in my car and moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Today, I would never uproot myself so quickly, because I have too many commitments.
I also agree with Westerhoff’s statements in regards to people’s relative levels of openness. Although I am less open than I was during my 20s, I am still more open than many of my friends – the same ones that were less open than me during young adulthood. In fact, I am sure not many of them would be willing to venture into a college classroom for the first time in 16 years, with the hope of obtaining a new college degree and career.
Be the Change You Want to See in the World
Overall, while Gandhi’s theory is beautiful, it’s just that: a theory. In reality, fundamental change is difficult to achieve. I wonder if Gandhi inherently understood this and was attempting to challenge and inspire us, or if he just wasn’t aware how difficult change really is for people?
Personally, I’d like to believe this was his attempt to inspire us to always change for the better.